Life Balance: Fact or Fiction?

So, let’s talk about this mystical creature called “life balance.” Does it exist? Is it a rare species like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot? Or is it just a myth perpetuated by overly ambitious life coaches and Pinterest boards?

I was recently listening to a podcast and the host said something along the lines of “If you have small children, you cannot currently achieve balance in life.” 

OK. Hold the phone. What?!?!? What a relief! Seriously! To some that might sound a little depressing, but to me … yippee! I am off the hook! This thing that I have been seeking, this so-called “balance”, is not a thing when you have small children. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. It was almost like I needed permission to give myself a break when I first heard that.

So. Balance is difficult to achieve when you have small kids. We can all see how that is truly a thing. Even if you aren’t a parent or aren’t around small children all that often, most adult humans have some idea of the chaos that is tiny humans. 

I’m going to be bold here and say that “life balance” doesn’t have to be a thing, even if you don’t have small children. Maybe that’s the beauty of it all. Of life. Maybe life balance isn’t about achieving some unattainable state of Zen-like equilibrium. Maybe it’s about embracing the messiness, the unpredictability, and the hilarity of it all. Whatever that looks like for you.

Balance in life is like trying to stand on one foot while juggling flaming torches and reciting Shakespeare… eventually, you’ll either master it or set something on fire!


So, here’s to all the people out there who are just trying to keep their heads above water, one chaotic day at a time. And to the parents? You got this. Who needs balance when you’ve got love, laughter, and the occasional temper tantrum to keep things interesting?

Life balance may be a myth, but the joy and madness of parenthood are very real. And that’s a balance I can live with.

Do what makes you happy.