Finding serenity in the spin cylcle

“Mommy always does laundry.” These sage words, spoken by my toddler son, might as well be etched into the Rosenberg family crest. It’s not an exaggeration. He’s onto something here. I am indeed always doing laundry. It reminds me of that scene from “The Karate Kid.” We all know it. “Wax on, wax off.” Though in my case, “clothes in, clothes out”. On repeat.  Indefinitely.

While my husband takes charge of the kitchen duties with gusto, I find myself locked in an eternal battle with the laundry basket. But here’s the thing: he enjoys cooking; I endure laundering. There’s a fundamental disparity in enthusiasm, you see.

Now, some might suggest I reframe my perspective, channeling my inner yogini to find solace in “I get to do the laundry” because we have clothes and a beautiful family that dirties them and blah blah blah … But let’s be real here. Sometimes, I just want to shout, “I’m tired of doing laundry ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME!!!” 

But. You know me. I always try to look on the bright side of things even if I don’t embrace the “I get to do laundry” approach. I’ve learned to see the chore as my sanctuary, my haven of peace and solitude. Because no one is bothering me as I fold 156 pieces of a tiny person’s clothing, that’s for sure. And I get to catch up on my podcasts. Win win!

Sure, this may not be the glamorous escapade I envisioned for myself, but there is a strange tranquility in the monotony. For me at least. Perhaps there’s a bit of wisdom in my toddler’s words.

“Life is like laundry – sometimes messy, but always worth the effort.”


What household chores can you find a peace and calm in? 

Do what makes you happy.