Surviving the people circus: how to keep your sanity intact

Life is too important to be taken seriously

UGH. Can we just take a moment to collectively groan about the chaos that is dealing with other humans? Seriously, it’s like they attended a seminar on “How to Push Buttons 101” and aced every exam with flying colors. And don’t get me started on the difficulty level – expert mode, anyone? LOL. Can you tell it’s already been a week of dealing with other people’s nonsense? And no, I’m not talking about my toddler… although sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference!

People are people. And everyone is dealing with their own “stuff”. Most of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Sure, you might unwittingly stumble upon someone’s emotional landmine and trigger a volcanic eruption of feelings. But guess what? It’s not about you. You’re just a humble bystander caught in the crossfire of their unhealed wounds (the Netflix show “Beef” is allllll about that!).

And you know what? We’re all hauling around suitcases filled with unresolved issues and childhood trauma. That’s okay. We’re all works in progress, stumbling through life. And here’s the kicker: you can’t change other people. And quite frankly, it’s not your job to do so.

Your job – your sacred duty – is to focus on YOU. Focus on your response to their antics, your growth in the face of their nonsense, and your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself. And remind yourself that it’s just AFGO (Another F**king Growth Opportunity). You’re welcome.

So, the next time someone cuts you off in traffic, gives you the stink eye, or ghosts you on text, take a deep breath and remember: it’s not about you. Smile, shake it off, and keep on doing you.

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” 

~Oscar Wilde

Do what makes you happy.