“Quieting” the mind hack

“Thank you, but not now.” 

This is my new mantra. I was listening to a meditation on the Calm app this morning, the theme being quieting those non-stop, pervasive thoughts. Now, I will be the first to say that in my brain, that is impossible. This is probably true for most people. BUT, I have become much better at noticing and loosening my grip around them. Even though I have not been successful at completely letting them go, they don’t feel quite as sticky. 

As an example, I am currently learning a new skill. I am fully aware that it will take time and practice to become more comfortable with it. And I feel confident that I will be rather good at it once I am at that point. But it still doesn’t stop my inner critic from going to town. UGH. It’s so annoying and frustrating. So the “Thank you, but not now” mantra is amazing. Because that reality is, it’s just fear sounding its alarm.  “Hello, fear. I hear you. You are just doing your job. Thanks for that. But don’t worry, we are going to be OK. Please be on your way.” 

Or how about that constant inner chatter of all the things on your to-do list that still need to get done? “Thank you, but not now. I’m trying to be present with my kid.”

Or the inner-monologue as you are watching a movie or show on Netflix? “Thank you, but not now. I am trying to enjoy this.”

It’s a great little matra. Give it a try. Maybe it will help loosen the grip of attachment to some of that non-productive chatter. 

“It’s surprising how much free time and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind.”

~Brittany Burgunder

Do what makes you happy.