What if it’s just about growth?

It’s day 11 into the New year. New year, new you! How are things going? Are you crushing those goals? Are you maximizing your mornings? Are you working towards your dreams?

I always feel energized at the beginning of the new year. But this year? Not so much. I’m not sure why. Maybe because of the phase of life I’m in with motherhood and every day being pretty much the same. I don’t really get days off even if my husband is home to help coparent. It can feel incredibly draining. That is probably what has led to this not so energized feeling. And that’s OK. I am learning to just be with it. This too shall pass, as they say. 

That being said, I still have goals that I have set for myself this year, but I’m not clinging to them. I don’t have the feeling of “I MUST complete this goal or I will feel like a failure”. None of that. I’m holding them lightly. They are meaningful and inspiring but if I don’t attain them, no worries. I’ll keep working towards them. Because it’s about the process. It’s about the process of what it takes to work towards that goal and how it changes me as a person.

When I think about it, it’s more about growth than the actual completion of the goal. And that feels pretty darn good. Because either I reach the goal or not, but in the process, I have grown to be more of who I want to be.

I’m not going to share what exactly my goals are here, because it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I’m working towards growth: be the best mom I can be for my son, inspire others, take good care of my body/mind/spirit, continue to be in a loving and fulfilling marriage, and just try to make people feel good in my presence.

“If you focus on goals, you may hit goals – but that doesn’t guarantee growth. If you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals.”

~John C. Maxwell

How can you reframe your goals for this year?

Do what makes you happy.