Surviving the hustle and bustle: a simple tip

‘Tis the season to be … jolly? Overwhelmed? Busy? Surviving? Whatever it is, this time of year can be A LOT. Even though we all know that the holiday season can get crazy, it somehow magically creeps up on us and surprises us a bit. At least it does that to me. 

Alas, my MIA-ness on this blog. I really did intend to write at least once a week this year – ha! But grad school, choir concerts, potty training, a sick cat, LIFE, just seemed to get in the way. All is good now, but MAN, for a minute there I was up to my eyeballs in life stuff. All I wanted to do was just sit on the couch, drink a strong cocktail and not think about anything. That’s numbing behavior, I know, but sometimes we need that every once in a while. And then we can look at all our sh*t. LOL.

So here we are. The middle of December. Whatever you celebrate or don’t celebrate, the overall vibe of the season is still there. Whether it means additional stress because work and life is extra busy (or the people around you are!), or more peace and joy because you have mastered relaxing into the ebb and flow of this time of year. Here is my reminder to you (and myself!): give yourself grace. Try to enjoy the small moments. Know that it will all wind down. Eventually. And breathe. Do something small for YOU. 

“It’s important to remember that although the hustle and bustle of the holidays are upon you, your daily routine should not end. Your everyday practices help to calm and center you, and you will need them to get through this busy season.”

~Dr. Daisy Sutherland

I love this reminder. Because it’s easy to get swept away in it all, especially if you’re traveling. Young kiddos thrive on routine and the familiar. Keep that up. Be like a kid.

Do what makes you happy.