Flowing without water: Lessons in letting go

As I sit here, waterless and somewhat amused, I find myself marveling at life’s unpredictability. An emergency valve replacement in our neighborhood has left us high and dry – quite literally. But hey, at least I managed to get my morning shower in!

This unexpected turn of events serves as another great reminder that despite our best laid plans, life often has other ideas. As they say, “Life gets in the way.” Sure, I allowed myself a brief moment of frustration (okay, maybe more than a moment … with some profanity!), but dwelling on it won’t change my situation. Instead, I strive to choose acceptance and move on as best I can. Because that’s where the growth opportunity lies (AFGO, for those avid readers of this blog!) – embracing what we cannot control.

There’s little use in bemoaning the absence of running water (and staying in my grumpiness – that’s no fun!), when acceptance and adaptability give me a more peaceful state of mind (cue the inner yogini…LOL). So, as I contemplate my next waterless move, I take solace in knowing that I control my response to this situation, even if I don’t like it. Cursing is still allowed.

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.”


How do you tackle those moments when “life gets in the way”? A little food for thought on this Friday-Eve. 🙂

Do what makes you happy.