You’re only human … give yourself (and others) grace

Each morning I try to set myself up for the day by having some quiet, alone time. It’s more to get myself in the right frame of mind as I embrace a day of unpredictability. #toddlerlife I will undoubtedly have many learning opportunities throughout the day and make mistakes along the way. It’s amazing how much a two year old can teach you! 

Recently, I feel like I have been witnessing my own imperfections as well as the imperfections of others. Things that I know are weaknesses of mine and things, when I watch other people do them, I realize are lessons for me on what not to do or how not to act.

For example, I found myself in the middle of some gossip the other day, and was feeling quite uncomfortable about it. I didn’t contribute to it, but I also didn’t extricate myself from the situation which I realize now would have been a better choice for me in that moment. I try to live by the standard of not saying anything about anyone if they aren’t sitting right there. I certainly slip up on that, but it was a good eye opening experience for me of “Ugh, this really doesn’t feel good.” 

Or, something else that doesn’t always feel good is being on my phone when I’m with my son. I really try hard to be present with him, but sometimes I just need to zone out. Parenthood is incredibly draining (especially when you are the default primary caregiver 90% of the time). The tricky part is he totally picks up on it. And then wants more of my attention and gets fussy … “Mommeeeeeeee!” So that doesn’t work. I really strive to be the parent that is present with their kid as much as possible. But I also need my downtime, which usually happens when he’s asleep. But those naps keep getting shorter … so I have to give myself grace when I slip up. 

“The beauty of imperfection is that it allows us to see our own humanity.”


We are human, we are imperfect. Give yourself grace, give other people grace. Learn from others people’s actions when you can. Otherwise you’ll learn it on your own … eventually. And again, give yourself and others grace. Grace grace grace. We are all doing the best we can. Remember, you are amazing.

Do what makes you happy.