Workout Roundup: Week of April 6th

Well, here I go again, falling behind on posting LAST week’s workouts. I’ll be honest, blogging hasn’t been as much of a priority recently, as much as I would like it to be and initially thought I would have all this extra time to devote to it. Between my two grad school classes and trying to get this Distance Learning thing up and running, life has been rather busy!

Nonetheless, I did manage to keep up a bit. I discovered that Spartan is doing “Virtual Races” so some of this week was devoted prepping for a Virtual Sprint. Basically, in place of races that had to be cancelled on a particular weekend, you get to do a virtual version of it. Obviously, doing a whole bunch of body weight exercises as “obstacles” is waaaaaay easier than actual Spartan obstacles, but I appreciate the sentiment. So, here you go, a week’s worth of working out!


Alright, so today I did the obstacles for the virtual sprint followed by a 2 mile run. You do 10 of each for time:



Did some leisurely walking today.


Fun with kettlebells!



Long-ish hike around Fountainhead.


I completed my virtual Spartan Sprint in just under 40 mins! Woohoo!

The run down.

Do what makes you happy!