Don’t wait until Monday

I have a confession to make. I have seriously gotten out of my workout routine. The last time I did any kind of strength training was a month ago. To the date.

I was trying to listen to my body and feel what it wanted. And it wanted to just walk. And that’s OK. I used my walks as times to listen to motivational podcasts which I have been missing from my daily (now non-existent) commute. 

But after awhile, I really got out of it. I would make excuses like “I just don’t feel like it.” or “I just ate.” or (even better) “I don’t have the time right now.”

Yeah. I actually told myself that. Lamest excuse EVER.

Then I remembered why I enjoy working out so much: I love the way it makes me feel.



Bad ass.

I remembered what that felt like in my body and got over myself. I started with a 15 minute workout. This coming from a former Ironman and figure competitor. Baby steps. 

I feel like this is a bit of a confession because so many people know me as being someone who loves working out. And I do. This is all still true. But I’m also human and go through phases.

But I’m starting again.

And not waiting until Monday to do so. (because that is incredibly tempting!)

Don’t wait for a Monday or the New Year to make changes in your life. You can change what you want right now in this moment. If it feels too overwhelming, just commit to five minutes. And then after five minutes you can decide whether or not to continue. But it’s the act of starting that gets the ball rolling.

Momentum, baby. It’s all about momentum. 

What can you do for just five minutes?

Always listen to your body. But call BS on your mind when it gets in the way.

Do what makes you happy.