A new school year has begun! None like we’ve ever seen before! It’s hard to miss when you scroll through social media. All the “preparing the learning space” pictures, last “Hurrah!” Labor Day pictures, “first day of virtual school” pictures, “day 3 of virtual school” pictures, “drink all the wine” pictures… LOL! It’s a little […]
Fitness (iron)
Don’t wait until Monday
I have a confession to make. I have seriously gotten out of my workout routine. The last time I did any kind of strength training was a month ago. To the date. I was trying to listen to my body and feel what it wanted. And it wanted to just walk. And that’s OK. I […]
Workout Roundup: Week of April 6th
Well, here I go again, falling behind on posting LAST week’s workouts. I’ll be honest, blogging hasn’t been as much of a priority recently, as much as I would like it to be and initially thought I would have all this extra time to devote to it. Between my two grad school classes and trying […]
Workout Roundup: March 30th
Wow! It is nearly the end of the week and I haven’t posted last week’s workouts yet. Let’s just say, I haven’t experienced any sort of “boredom” during this pandemic pause that we are all currently in. The week just got away from me. As did my workouts. I’m a firm believer in listening to […]
Workout Roundup: March 23rd
Another week full of at-home workouts. I am starting to get into a groove with this new routine. My strength workouts only tend to be around 20 minutes long, so I always try to follow them up with a run or walk. Most of the time… LOL! Monday Tuesday Wednesday I started the day with […]
Workout Roundup: March 16th
Wow! What an interesting week it has been! I started off with gym workouts early on, but then the gym closed due to COVID-19 and I had to get creative with in-home workouts using dumbbells (I only have a pair of 10s right now) and resistance bands. And lots of walking. I’m trying to get […]
Workout Roundup: March 9th
What a week it has been! I needed to do a bit of self-care this week and spent most of the time walking and hiking and being outdoors. I went to the gym twice to lift. Who knows what will happen in the next few days! So far, the gyms in Virginia remain open, but […]
Workout Roundup: March 2nd
It was a busy week, but I got a few workouts in. We were traveling over the weekend so I took that time to just rest. Always necessary. 🙂 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFF. Friday Weekend Do what makes you happy.
Workout Roundup: February 24th
Staying consistent! Woohoo! Here is this week’s workouts: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFF. I had a deep tissue massage Wednesday night and always take the next day off. Friday Running intervals: 30 secs: Jog, 30 secs: Sprint, 30 secs: Jog, 30 secs: Walk. Saturday & Sunday I took it easy this weekend. We live on […]
Workout Roundup: February 17th
I have decided to start sharing what I am working each week. I generally lift about 4 days a week and run 1 to 2. Or zero days. Ha! It just depends on the week and what I’m training for. This week was one of those weeks… I consider my workout weeks to start on […]