The “reality” we share…

Facebook and social media can be sooooo deceptive.  All the happy posts. The happy pictures. The picture perfect poses. It’s like a movie reel of “best of”s. You don’t see the real behind-the-scenes.  The imperfections. The tough times. The sad moments. The angry moments. The fights. The moments we wish we could undo and make […]

37 things

Today I finished another 365 day orbit around the sun. Just finished up my 37th year on this planet. Yup. It’s my birthday. 😃 I tend to get a bit reflective around this time. And man has A LOT happened since last September. I completed my first year as an elementary school general music teacher. […]

Sunday Funday

On the weekends I take time to have fun. Well, as much “fun” as one can have in the midst of wedding planning. LOL! It’s actually not that bad. At all. But I feel like my mind is constantly buzzing with wedding stuff in the background. Because there’s always something to still do, something to […]

Embrace your flawsome-ness

I am not perfect. Say what?!?! I know.  True story. And I’m faaaaaar from perfect.   But I do have perfectionist tendencies. Which can be both a good and bad thing. I realize that it all has to do with the motivation and energy behind why I am trying to be “perfect.” Is it to […]

Hydrogen + two + Oxygen

Did you know that the average human body is made up of 50-75% water? The human brain is comprised of 75% water. So the benefits of drinking water are pretty awesome sauce. Like, it… Increases energy.  Flushes out toxins. Promotes weight loss. (YEY!) Improves skin complexion. Boosts the immune system. Is a natural headache remedy.  […]

Words of wisdom from Pete the Cat

I have been getting into a little “Pete the Cat” recently.  You know, because I’m an elementary school music teacher. LOL. In particular, “I Love My White Shoes”. You gotta check out this video: Pete the Cat goes walking down the street, wearing his brand new white shoes. Along the way, he manages to step […]

Berry juice & chocolate

I saw Thanksgiving stuff in the stores the other day. Because it’s just around the corner. Isn’t it? Ha! Speaking of which, did you know that it can take up to 72 hours to digest your holiday dinner?!?! Or a really really big meal? That just seems crazy to me! Your digestive system works super […]