Wherever you go, there you are

During this time of COVID and quarantine, I have had more time to be with my thoughts. I do a guided meditation every day (using the Calm app — love it!) and try to be intentional about being quiet. But that doesn’t always happen.

There is A LOT of chatter going on upstairs.

And it’s not always useful. Or kind. 

It reminds me of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book “Wherever You Go, There You Are.” It has been AGES since I’ve read it and is definitely worth rereading. Multiple times. 

Just the title alone, “Wherever you go there you are” is so true. You CANNOT run away from your own self. You are always WITH YOU.

So how are you treating yourself? What kind of thoughts are you thinking?

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts about mindset recently and have been more intentional about catching myself when I start going down those nasty trains of thought that are negative and just plain mean.

It’s so unconscious and really quite scary. Would I ever say those things to a friend?

NO freakin’ WAY!

We have to be our own best friend, cheerleader, lover, comforter. You are the boss of you. You get to control what you think.

Taking it just a bit deeper…

Thoughts –> Beliefs –> Actions –> Results

Your thoughts will ultimately lead to the things you want to manifest in your life. So doesn’t it make sense to start paying attention to that chatter you have running in the background?

My husband and I have a morning routine where, upon waking, he goes and makes coffee and then brings it back to bed where we linger for a bit. I recently started a new practice. While he is making coffee, I get a few quiet moments to myself where I visualize the life I want. The things I want to manifest in my life. Seeing it happen. Feeling it happen. (I am still working on this bit as I hear it is the ultimate superpower in manifestation). 

There are certain things I want to bring into my life. It’s taking some time to happen and I’m beginning to wonder if my mindset is a bit off. If that internal chatter is derailing things. Or maybe it’s just a practice in patience. Who knows? But I am consciously becoming more aware of my thoughts and catching myself when they go down a path that does not serve. It is hard work. And tricky business. The mind is a real trickster!

Only time will tell, but I am willing to be more mindful in my life to get what I want.

Start bring more awareness to what you tell yourself. Wherever you go, there you are. Are you the one getting in the way of what you want?

Do what makes you happy.