You’re doing how much?!?!

When people ask how I’m doing and I tell them all that I’m doing (full-time job teaching, part-time job teaching, taking two grad school classes, reading lots of books … oh, and maintaining a happy marriage!), they always respond with “I don’t know how you do it!”

I reply with, “I don’t either!” And laugh it off. 

But the reality is that I do. 

My secret? 

I compartmentalize my time. I set boundaries for myself. Time blocking I guess you could call it. I have a block of time where I do things and then I stop. I don’t let it seep into other areas of my life or continue to be an ongoing endless chatter in the soundtrack of my mind.

Especially when it comes to grad school. This past weekend is a perfect example. I had HOURS of homework between my two classes. And they both require quite a bit of brain power. Going back to school has been tough since I haven’t had to think and write like this since 2002!

Our home office

But I made a deal with myself: after I complete one assignment, or one huge chunk or reading, I was done for the day. Yes, there was more, but it wasn’t immediately due. 

So I take the time to rest. To relax. To recharge. 

Because here’s the thing: there will always be more to do. Whether it be homework, or housework, or any other kind of work. It will still be there.

Grad school assignments…

In order to keep our sanity, we must set boundaries for ourselves. We must prioritize chilling out and taking it easy.

My main source of chill?

Reading for leisure. 

I am still determined to meet my 52 book challenge. Working on Book 7 as we speak!

That’s important to me. So I make it important. I make it a priority to engage in this high-quality leisure activity (vs. mindless internet surfing or binging on Netflix).

Reading with Roman.

What do you do to recharge? More importantly, what do you do for fun?

Make sure you ask yourself that and make sure you schedule it in. Because you will be that much happier for it. 

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” ~Stephen Covey

Do what makes you happy.