You don’t get gold stars for cleaning your toilet…

My husband and I split chores.

He cooks, I clean.

It’s that simple. 

I figured that out by our 3rd date when he cooked dinner for me.

There was NO WAY I was going to cook for him after the amazing dinner experience he created.

Granted, and he will fully admit to this, he was trying to impress me (and boy did he!).

But what I have learned in the 2+ years that we have been together, and the one year that we are now living together … this is his GIFT. Seriously. He loves cooking and he loves cooking for others. And seeing the pleasure on their face(s) when they experience his cooking.

So that’s what makes that decision so simple for me.

And I actually enjoy cleaning.

Most of the time.

My only downfall is that you can put cleaning off. You can’t put cooking off because we have to eat.

But cleaning? 

That is definitely something you can procrastinate.
That’s why yesterday afternoon I spent 3 hours cleaning and doing laundry. Dusting, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, changing the kitty litter, scrubbing the floor after tracking snowy yuckiness in. Fun times.

But it’s all good. Because we had company over which is always great incentive. And made me very excited.

Excited because we get to spend time with people we love.

But also excited because it got us to get the rest of our wedding stuff out of our main living space.

YEY!!! I can see all the floors again!

AND we got to use some of our new wedding gifts! Extra bonus!

So, in the end, a clean home makes me very happy.

But getting myself to actually do it?


“You do not get gold stars for cleaning your toilet. In actual life, there is a depressing lack of stickers.” ~Alexandra Petri

For realz.

So, play to your strengths. But do what needs to get done. Because a clean living space always feels super awesome.

Yesterday’s shoulder workout:

Do what makes you happy.