“The bad news is time flies…”

“…The good news is you’re the pilot.”
~Michael Altshuler

I swear the school year just started. 

And then it was well underway.

Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur. (I’m getting into the groove with the Fall Jewish holidays…)




And now Christmas.

I feel like once Halloween hits, everything goes by in the blink of an eye!

And the New Year is quickly upon us. 

I tend to get pretty reflective around this time of year, thinking about the past year, things I want to do and accomplish in the upcoming year. 

This past year has been pretty spectacular. You can get a glimpse of that in my more recent blog posts here and here.

2018 was very good to me. 

But 2019 has much in store as well.

We just started a kitchen renovation which is bound to take longer than expected. (At least everyone who has been through any type of renovation continues to warn us of this — LOL!) Michael and I are both super excited to complete this amazing project. The kitchen of my his dreams. It makes me happy when he’s happy. 🙂 

All the entertaining and parties we will finally be able to host…very exciting!

I can’t help but think about the other things that are in store for me/us in the new year. The things yet to explore and do. 

Believe it or not, I’ve actually tried to ease up on my intense goal setting. 

You know, like complete an Ironman (a goal I set back in 2008 and completed in 2009).

Or do a bodybuilding competition (another goal I set in 2013 and completed later that year).

Or learn Rachmaninov’s 3rd Piano Concerto (a goal I set in 2015 and completed early in 2016). 


I want to do things less intense.

Like read more. 

I am considering a Book Challenge. Like 52 Books in 52 Weeks.

Well, maybe I should start with with 24 books a year. 

52 books might be overly ambitious considering I’ve never done that before. We’ll see.

But I want to read fun stuff. Things I wouldn’t normally read.

Fitness-wise, I’m not planning to do any bodybuilding competitions (though people keep asking). I want to keep up with my strength training but I also want to try things I have never done before.

Like rock climbing.

Or AcroYoga.

Those both sound super fun to me. 

I might do another piano recital. Perhaps. We’ll see.

I’m sure Michael and I will find another exciting place to travel to over the summer (people keep asking about that).

And expanding the current Rosenberg household. (I’m thankful people don’t continuously ask about that! LOL!)

Because Facebook predicted it … 

(I’m sure that’s solely based on the fact that my profile picture is of me in my wedding dress…ha!)

Whatever 2019 brings, I’m sure it will be amazing. And I’m sure I will look back a year from now and think to myself, “Gee, where did the time go?”
“The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.” 

E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly
Do what makes you happy.