The art of doing nothing…

So, I’m a teacher.

A teacher on summer break.

A teacher finding moments of, gasp, boredom. Nothing to do.

Nothing that requires my immediate attention.

Nothing that really needs to get done right now.

(because we can always find something to do. I will not submit you to my laundry list of things I could be doing…)

And so I face a slight quandary.

Because this “nothing to do” business, this art of “doing nothing” is really, really hard for me.

It’s hard for me to be lazy.

It’s a struggle.

It’s real.

I wish it came easily to me, but the honest truth is, it doesn’t.  

And I have, ironically, worked really hard to allow myself to relax into it.

To do nothing.

Maybe it’s not “nothing”, per say. I guess it’s just a matter of allowing myself to relax.

To read a book.

To take a nap.

To lay on the couch.

To watch a movie (with wine), mid-afternoon.

To go to the gym and allow that to be the only “productive” thing I have done all day.

(Yeah, I know some of you are thinking “If only I could get myself to do just that…” LOL! I’m wired differently…)

So here I am.

Sometimes struggling with allowing myself to relax and really be non-productive.

I have productive friends. I have friends and colleagues already planning for the next school year.



I will just sit here, on my couch, with my book, and my cat, and maybe a glass of wine, and do nothing. Ok. I might be reading a book. But the point is, I’m relaxing.

Being like my cat.

A lot can be learned from a cat.

Do your recharge your own battery as much as you do your phone?

Do what makes you happy.