TBT: Yoga Teacher Training

I had a Facebook memory pop up this morning from 6 years ago.

It was a picture of my Holistic Yoga Teaching Certificate.

Yes, eons ago, I did a 200-hour course in holistic yoga.

It feels like a lifetime ago now.

It was awesome.

And I miss it.

The community of people that I met.

The intensity of a 200-hour program that takes place over just a few months.

I’m a teacher at heart, so I knew that I would want to teach yoga with that certification.


When the time is right.

I haven’t really done it yet.

I have been more focused on teaching music.

But for that time in my life, it was perfect.

And it reminds me of how good I feel when I do yoga.

The main reason I did it was to deepen my practice and have a better understanding of yogic philosophy and its roots.

And boy did it do that. It opened my eyes to different religions and traditions. Being more open-minded. Compassionate. Patient. Understanding. Of others. And myself. More importantly, myself. Because the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. 

Because at the end of the day, it’s just you.

Even with all your friends. Even with your spouse.

If you’re not happy with you, if you don’t enjoy being with you … that is something you might need to look at more deeply and figure out why.

Not in any mean way. But out of curiosity. Like “Huh, if I wasn’t me, would I want to hang out with me?”

Food for thought.

So, I look back on that yoga memory with a smile on my face. 

And a reminder of how I want to get back into it …

The last two days workouts as part of my Butt Bible Challenge.



I will say, I have had to adjust how I do things. These workouts are taking me close to 70-ish minutes to complete. But I love it. I love the soreness I feel because I am challenging my body with something different. I am basically sore ALL OVER. But a happy sore. Yey.

Do what makes you happy.