Taking time to rest

It has finally happened.

One of the occupational hazards of working with children all day is that they are GERMY.

And love to high five.

And hug.

And touch your door knobs.

And instruments.

It’s a humbling reminder that we are NOT superhuman.

And that I am not Super Woman, as much as I want to be.


As a teacher, we can often be stubborn in terms of taking time off.

Creating sub plans can be such a hassle.

We don’t want to put extra pressure on our teammates.

(Lucky for me, I have an awesome music team! We always cover for each other.)

But taking the time off is important.

If not only to take care of ourselves but also to not get others sick.

So I felt very blessed to have a “snow day” today (in my area, it has just been rain…LOL!) so I had a “sick day” built in. 


I started feeling this Monday night and my amazing husband came home with Pho…

I drugged myself up enough to get through the day Tuesday but was wiped by the end of it.

I haven’t worked out in a few days which always annoys me, but know is good for my body, too (and not getting others at the gym sick!). I have to remind myself that lifting weights makes the immune system work extra hard as it is constantly repairing muscles and joints. Without proper rest, the immune system can’t catch up to all the repairs our bodies need. 

I will probably take tomorrow off from the gym, too.

In the meantime, I have enjoyed relaxing with my husband, hanging out with my cat, doing a little bit of school work, and practicing … but mainly just chillin’.

Because we all need that.

The last few days workouts:




Do what makes you happy.

And take time to rest.