It will all get done

You know all those things you say you’ll do “later”? Well, “later” has shown up for me. BIG time. And it’s not “later” in the procrastination sense. It’s “later” in the there-was-no-way-we-could-have-done-this-earlier sense. [this is all wedding-related, by the way] Or it wasn’t quite the priority.  So it’s a lot. But it will all get […]

Eyes wide open

I’m feeling inspired. I went to go support one of my girlfriends at her bikini competition this past weekend.  I did that 5 years ago, too.  And got hooked.  And started competing myself.  So, she was my initial introduction and inspiration to the sport.  And it’s interesting watching shows now, knowing, empathizing, with the competitors. […]

Abs are made where?

I’ve been watching a lot of superhero movies recently. Thor. Wonder Woman. Wolverine. Civil War. Superman. And when you look at a lot of these actors who portray super heros, they really LOOK the part. Why? Because they look strong. Physically capable. BIG. And in those shirtless scenes (for the guys, of course!) … RIPPED. […]