It’s been a minute since I’ve written. I have some long time readers who have noticed. LOL. Thank you for that. Life. Life gets in the way, right? And then summer comes and goes. And all the things. And now it’s the start of another school year. As a teacher, I feel like the beginning […]
personal growth
A mindset that brought me more peace: “Let them”
If you have been reading my blog the past few months, you will know that I am a huge Mel Robbins fan. I think I got hooked when I heard her being interviewed on another podcast and then went and checked out all her content (books and podcast). That was it for me. I am […]
Let them keep their negativity to themselves: the snow globe trick
Have you ever been in the presence of someone who is in a foul mood and find it rubbing off on you? Maybe it’s not even someone you know. It’s some random person in front of you at the grocery store who is getting impatient and irritable because the person ahead of them is having […]
YOUR Universe … what will it be?
There are have been a lot of movies made recently that focus on the concept of a multiverse. A lot of super hero movies. “Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse”. “Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.” And non-super hero ones. “Sliding Doors.” “Coherence.” And most recently (and famously), “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” It’s kind of […]
Fill your cup with … ?
There is a lot of talk about “self-care” and “filling your cup” and finding “me” time. Especially for stay-at-home parents. I mean, any human, really. But when you have a laundry list of things to do (and literal laundry), trying to fit in “self-care” time can feel like an added pressure. And let’s be honest. […]
Construction happens
The weather is getting nicer and I’m excited to do more walks and hiking with my son. I had grand plans today to try out a hiking backpack so we can do more hiking as a family. But then we noticed orange cones going up in front of our sidewalk. And then suddenly a Bobcat […]
Clear the lint out!
My husband and I have very specific roles in our household. From early on it was well established that he does all the cooking and I do all the laundry. And almost all the cleaning. But cooking and laundry — those are very clearly divided tasks. He likes to joke that he hasn’t done a […]
Better than nothing method
As a stay at home mom with a toddler and a fluctuating nap schedule (don’t even get me started on this time change!), my alone time is quite sacred. I prefer to do most things in the morning if I can, but that’s not always possible. So I have to squeeze it in during his […]
Be your own cheerleader: a new daily habit that has got me smiling
I have a toddler who is just now beginning to walk. There is constant cheering and clapping going on to encourage him. We clap and cheer for a lot of things. He absolutely loves it and thrives off of that positive energy and encouragement. And that smile in return? Heart melting. It got me to thinking … […]
Just eat the frog: creating less suffering
Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Bleh. Gross. And no thank you. But I get his point. The point being, do the thing you are most avoiding first. You know, the thing you want to do least […]