Snow days, Harry Potter, music making, kitty cuddles…

As a teacher, we get a few perks.

Summers off.

Snow days.

In fact, we just got two snow days for an inch of snow and really chilly, windy weather.


My hubby was extra happy since one of those days was his birthday. And he’s a teacher, too. YEY.

It’s been nice.

But without a wedding to plan anymore, I feel like I have a TON of free time.

And you throw two snow days into the mix?

Lots and lots of free time!

And it got me to thinking…what do I actually like to do with my free time?

Like, what do I do when I’m just being “me”?

It kind of goes along with my last post about doing more of what makes me happy.

And I find I have been doing just that. When I’m tucked away indoors away from the cold.

Playing the piano (with some whisky … LOL!).

Reading Harry Potter.

Notice my furry feline, Roman, is in all these photos. 

He’s my shadow. 
Quite literally. LOL!

Cuddling with my hubby. (no pic, sorry)
But it’s an interesting conundrum.

When you’re someone like me who has a lot of goals and passions. It’s very easy to very quickly fill up the time again and be “busy”. And I’m trying hard not to do that. Or trying hard not to be “busy” for the sake of being “busy”. 

That’s why it’s so nice to lazily lounge around and read a fiction book while sipping on whisky.

And binge watch “How I Met Your Mother” (yes, I am one of those who has not seen it all!).

So, ask yourself … “What would I do if I had nothing to do? What do I do when I’m being ME?”


Today’s leg workout:

Do what makes you happy.