Set point … embracing the “fluff”

We all have defaults.

Or set points.

What feels “normal” to us. 

So does our body.

I’m realizing that my body has a set point body weight.

A number that, if I work out consistently and eat relatively healthy yet still enjoy some wine and a few calorically dense meals, the number doesn’t change much.

As I did a little investigation on the interwebs, I realized this is an actual “thing.”

Like, a scientific thing that people have researched.

I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and found lots of neat articles, like here and here and here

Basically, your “set point” is a weight at which your body likes to be and you stay there with little effort.

It’s kind of like a “cruise control” system for body weight and fat levels. Whatever numbers are set are what your body tries to maintain. 

And it shifts depending on how much muscle mass you have.

Currently, in my 5’4” frame, my “cruise control” number is anywhere between 127-131 lbs.
Honestly, I feel a little “fluffy” in that range, but that’s where my body naturally defaults to. 

Which makes sense, because as I mentioned earlier, I’m not really counting calories.

My wedding weight was closer to 123-125 lbs. (when I was paying closer attention to my diet). You know, because I wanted to be able to breathe in my dress (ladies who have tried on wedding gowns before know exactly what I mean!). LOL.
And stage weight 4 years ago?



THAT is not maintainable and totally temporary. Like a 12-24 hour period temporary. Ya’ll who have done a bodybuilding competition before understand. I am serious when I say you look this lean for just a little bit.

And it really messes with you. Being able to attain that level of leanness in order for judges to assess your muscle composition and symmetry. Because you’re like “Wow! I know I can look like that. I never knew I could see my muscles like that!!!” But you don’t look like that right now. So in my eyes, it seems “fluffy” even though in someone else’s eyes I may look lean. All a matter of perspective. 

I will embrace my “fluffy” set point. Because I love food. And wine. And whisky. And don’t really feel like counting calories at the moment. 

That is my choice. 

I will lean out another day. 😃 

The past few days’ workouts:



Do what makes you happy.