My latest challenge

I discovered a new world.

The world of obstacle course racing.

It’s my latest “thing.”

Which is good because I was itching for a change.

See, I need goals to work towards. To motivate me. To inspire me to do the things. As disciplined as I might seem on the outside, the reality is that I’m working towards something.

A goal I have set for myself.

A race.

A competition date.

A recital date.

A date on the calendar with the end in mind.

The next date on the calendar is this Saturday. I have been training for my first Spartan Super. It’s a race that is about 8-ish miles in length and contains 25-ish obstacles. 

I say “ish” because they vary slightly depending on the course.

Fun times. 

People always ask, what are the obstacles like? 

Well, you can watch this super cool video from last year’s race:

I stumbled across this awesome book which has explanations of how to get through the obstacles (along with tips!) and ways to train for them.

But here are a few examples from the Spartan Sprint my husband and I completed in May. It was their Stadion version at the Nat’s Stadium. Super cool!

Wall climbs:

Jump “ROPE”:

Rope climb: 

Z Wall:

A Frame:

(Notice how amazing this guy is!!! We climbed right next to him)

Sandbag Carry:

Ball slams:

Box jumps:

Spear Throw:

Monkey Bars: 

Lifting heavy things carry:

And lots of running:

That’s just to name a few.

But what I have really enjoyed is the training. The variety. The trail running.

This is a little bit of what I have been doing lately.

Today I got SOAKED during my final trail run and LOVED it.

We’ll see what Saturday brings…

Do what makes you happy.