Missing travel

Oh, Facebook memories … do you ever have that feeling of “Wow! I can’t believe that was just a year ago?” or “That feels like aaaaaaaages ago!” They are a great reminder of memories you have long since forgotten or ones that you hold near and dear to your heart as you travel down memory lane.

That being said, during COVID times it can be a little depressing to see some of these memories come up. We are seeing our honeymoon memories from 3 years ago in Portugal come up and it makes me desperately miss traveling.

And there will be no traveling for us in the near future. We are pretty much in lock down mode. And have been for quite some time. We are in the camp of Zoom holidays, only going out for essentials, and keeping our quarantine bubble of friends pretty air tight. 

We are not alone in making these choices. I know many other people are making similar sacrifices.

It’s hard to not have summer plans to look forward to. We already went through this last year but TWO years in a row?!?! UGH. Rough.

So I try to create small things I can look forward to. As small as just going for a hike on a local trail or taking a walk on our backyard golf course (we are so blessed!). I know getting into crafts has been a more recent outlet for me. As has tap dancing (though it has been months since I’ve tapped!). It’s something to do. Something to plan. Something to look forward to. What new craft can I make? What new tap routine can I learn?

What are some things you can do that will make you happy and give you something to look forward to? I know it doesn’t take the place of what life and life experiences were like pre-COVID. But it’s worth a shot. Baby steps. 

“Always have something to look forward to.”

~Tony Robbins

Do what makes you happy.