Manic Monday…

Oh, Monday.

It’s so easy to hate you.


After a weekend that is supposed to leave you feeling relaxed (well, that’s the ideal at least…), in comes Monday. And almost immediately we feel the stress of the looming week ahead. Unless it’s a holiday weekend. LOL. 

The struggle is real. I get it.

I try my best to maintain a positive attitude about Mondays, as much as I am #notafan of them either. 

What helps me?

Well, posting something positive on social media.

I might not be totally digging it in the moment, but fake it till you make it, right?

That’s my motto when it comes to Mondays.

And then I Googled “motivation monday articles” I came across this article: 

Sounds very Stephen Covey-esque.

And guess what? 

I do 5 out of the 7 things already! Very cool. Pat on the back for me. 

And it’s all part of my morning routine which I talked about here.

I also have a 22-25 minute commute to work and listen to two podcasts. One is “Up First” by NPR. I don’t like to read the news and just prefer to listen to it. Just to make sure nothing crazy happened that I need to be aware of.

The other is “The Daily Boost” by Motivation to Move. This is a subscribtion podcast I have been a member of for YEARS. I am a life-time member, really. It really sets the tone for my day. And I love Scott & Joi Smith. Awesome people. 

And if there’s time, or if I need it for all 22-25 minutes, I listen to music that pumps me up.

Like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

So, don’t worry about Monday. I know it can be tough. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Put a smile on your face.

Fake it till you make it.

It’ll be aaaaaaaaall good…

Today’s back workout:

Keep calm and Monday on.

Do what makes you happy.