Like peak week…

This wedding week is feeling a lot like a bodybuilding peak week.

Or marathon taper week.

All the hard work has been done.

All the “heavy lifting” so to speak. 

Now it’s just fine-tuning a few things and making sure you are well-rested and healthy going into the big event.

Sort of. 

Except it feels like there are still a lot of little random things to take care of.

Things you can’t do until the week of.

Kind of like in bodybuilding competitions.

Like you can’t get your tan or polygraph (if you are doing all natural) until the week of. 

Or you can’t pick up your race packet until the week of.

So this really does feel like that.

And I seriously feel like I’m treating it similar to a week like that.

More concerned about my sleep.

My hydration.

The weather.

My emotional well-being.

Taking stuff like this:

We’ll see how well it works.

I’ve been told from former-brides (as in, now wives!), that this is the most stressful week.

And I know my honey and I are already feeling it.

It’s a great test to see how we deal with stress.

But something I am committed to during this whole process, something we are both committed to, is to stay connected to us. Stay connected to why we are doing this.

So in those moments of frustration, we cuddle. We have physical contact. PG contact. Maybe PG-13. That’s all we need. The rated-R version … well, I have former students reading this blog! And my parents. LOL.

Counting down the days…

Today’s back workout:

Do what makes you happy.