Know which balls to drop

Quote about glass balls

As a stay at home mom, I am still figuring out how to do all the things I need and want to do. It’s definitely a balancing act. I’m not necessarily trying to “find balance”. It’s more like juggling. With many balls constantly in the air. And a toddler who LOVES to throw them.

Some balls are rubber and others are glass. And I have to know which ones I can drop. Obviously not the glass balls. Because that turns into a big (and dangerous) mess.

What are my day-to-day glass balls? Well, keeping my son alive. And happy. Keeping my cat alive. And happy. Maybe. LOL. Two little beings that rely completely on me to keep them safe and healthy.

Another glass ball is my general well-being. If I am not feeling good most of the time, it makes all the other things harder. Obviously we all have our “bad” and “off” days, so I’m certainly not expecting to feel good ALL of the time. But most of the time would be ideal.

A glass ball in that category is finding a little bit of time for me each day. Practicing yoga, meditation, light exercise, getting outside, reading, etc. Doing just ONE of those things helps keep that glass ball from cracking.

Some rubber balls I can drop fall into the category of maintaining the house. Keeping things clean. Mowing the lawn. Doing laundry. Don’t get me wrong, a clean house makes me very happy. It’s not a glass ball, but it is definitely one I want to continue juggling. But if I drop it, it’s no big deal. It will bounce back.

There are a lot of other glass balls I need to keep from breaking (my marriage, close relationships, my health, etc.) but this was mainly in the context of my SAHM life.

What are your glass balls? And what rubber ones can you let drop to the ground now and again?

“When juggling as much as you are, remember that some balls are glass and some are rubber. You can’t drop the glass balls.”

~Nora Roberts

Do what makes you happy.