I don’t do New Years Resolutions…

Well, it’s January.

Which means it’s time for New Years Resolutions. 

I used to do that. I can’t remember how successful I was with it. It almost feels like a social pressure to make resolutions at the turn of a new year.

Then I decided to focus on a word each year. Balance. Receive. Simplify. Gratitude. Hope.

Fun stuff like that.

That has become a very popular concept as well. 

I tried that out for a bit and prefer that to resolutions.

But this year? 

This year I picked a phrase, or mantra: “Do (more of) what makes you happy.”

I guess if it were a word, it would be happiness. 

And the funny part is, I always end this blog with “Do what makes you happy”. Guess I should follow my own advice, right? LOL.

The trick is, what actually makes me happy?

That is such a personal thing and is different for everyone. What makes my husband happy might not make me happy. 

For example, he’s totally into football (especially college football, more specifically Miami college football). I am not. Watching football does not make me happy. My hubby? He is such a happy camper when he is watching a Miami game. Especially if they are winning.

Me? I would much rather read a book. 

Reading makes me happy.

So does playing the piano. 

Working out. 


Connecting with friends. 


Spending time with family.

Spending time with my husband.

Hanging out with my cat. 

Long walks in nature.


The list goes on an on…

It seems simple, right? Just figure out what makes you happy and do more of it.

Now. That being said, what makes me happy also drives me towards certain goals.

Like I want to do another piano performance this year.

And a figure competition.

Good thing both playing the piano and working out make me happy.

So, if you are into resolutions, allow a phrase like “Would it make me happy/happier?” drive you in that resolution. 

I am not “resolving” to perform in a recital or compete in a bodybuilding competition. I am allowing my passion for playing and staying fit inspire me to reach those goals. 

So, it’s just a thought.

Find what makes you happy and let that influence your goals.


Today’s back workout:

Do more of what makes you happy.
