Finding calm

It’s that time of year. 

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”


Yes, AND… 
(one of my new favorite phrases)

…one of the busiest times of the year.

If you’re a musician and/or music teacher, you know how crazy it is with all the holiday concerts. 

But it’s not just this particular time of year. It can be all the time. Life can get really busy. 

I took on a bit much recently.

More than I normally do.

A solo and collaborative recital.

Grad school.

In addition to LIFE. (continuing with my book challenge, spending time with family & friends, taking care of my health, etc.)

I’ve thought about why I do this. Like really thought about it. Just to make sure I’m not doing it from a place of avoidance or needing to keep myself busy.

I don’t think that is the case. At all. 

I just have certain aspects of myself that I need to feed.

I need to feed my creative side.

My intellectual side.

I need to feed the part of me that wants to continue to grow as a musician and teacher. 

BUT, when I find myself in these situations with “lots going on”, it is easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. 

So I made a conscious decision to not do that. 

To actually choose how I want to feel.

How DO I want to feel?

I want to feel calm. At peace. 

I chose not to feel the feeling of overwhelm.

And it has worked. 


I find myself having to be more conscious about putting a “cap” on it. To set boundaries around the parts of me that want to just keep practicing, or just keep reading grad school stuff, or working on that assignment.

Because that will always be there.

And I can always do more. There is always something to do. It’s an endless cycle.

My life saver? 

A mindfulness practice. Getting up extra early to take time for ME. To meditate. To be quiet. 

It has made all the difference.

The Calm app has been my new go-to. I don’t know what I would do without it.

Even though that has been an amazing resource and tool, I am finding that even without it, I am able to find that stillness within the craziness.

And it’s amazing.

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”
~Deepak Chopra

How do you find that stillness within yourself? Maybe it’s taking a few deep breaths as you wake up. Or before your morning commute. Or over a cup of coffee.

Do what works for you. And do what makes you happy. 🙂