Eyes wide open

I’m feeling inspired.

I went to go support one of my girlfriends at her bikini competition this past weekend. 

I did that 5 years ago, too. 

And got hooked. 

And started competing myself. 

So, she was my initial introduction and inspiration to the sport. 

And it’s interesting watching shows now, knowing, empathizing, with the competitors. Understanding what they are feeling. What they went through to step on that stage. 

Because some of them make it look soooooo easy.

Like posing. 

(ummm…Nicole Wilkins!)

Walking in those heels with grace.

It is soooooo FREAKIN’ hard.

Especially when you are used to wearing flats all day!

And anyone who knows me well will tell you that “graceful” is not a word they would necessarily use to describe me … LOL!

And the bodybuilders and their poses?

That’s no joke.

It’s like a workout. Seriously. Constantly squeezing those muscles, making them pop. That’s why they are shaking on stage.
Not to mention that they are dehydrated and hungry…

Hangry, really. LOL.

So, I’m still inspired and motivated to do another show. Even with the knowledge of what goes on behind-the-scenes and how hard it can get.

Going in with EYES WIDE OPEN.

No sugar.

No alcohol.

A very strict diet.

You can’t really eat out as much, if at all.

There are many things you have to temporarily give up.

You’re constantly tired. 

But I’m curious. I’m curious to step on stage again and see what has transpired under this layer of fat over the past few years. 

[and that’s not a self-criticism. That’s literally what the dieting does: reveals the muscle underneath that protective layer of fat]

We’ll see. 

Wedding first.

Because that’s what I’ve been training for…

With my eyes wide open. 

Speaking of which. We applied for a very important wedding-related certificate this morning… 😃


Today’s back workout:

Do what makes you happy. 

Be motivated by what inspires you.