What I eat

People often ask me what my diet is like and what I eat every day.  I’m a creature of habit. So when I was in competition prep and having to eat the SAME THING EVERY DAY, it really didn’t bother me all that much. I have kind of kept to that routine but am not […]

The “reality” we share…

Facebook and social media can be sooooo deceptive.  All the happy posts. The happy pictures. The picture perfect poses. It’s like a movie reel of “best of”s. You don’t see the real behind-the-scenes.  The imperfections. The tough times. The sad moments. The angry moments. The fights. The moments we wish we could undo and make […]

37 things

Today I finished another 365 day orbit around the sun. Just finished up my 37th year on this planet. Yup. It’s my birthday. 😃 I tend to get a bit reflective around this time. And man has A LOT happened since last September. I completed my first year as an elementary school general music teacher. […]

Sunday Funday

On the weekends I take time to have fun. Well, as much “fun” as one can have in the midst of wedding planning. LOL! It’s actually not that bad. At all. But I feel like my mind is constantly buzzing with wedding stuff in the background. Because there’s always something to still do, something to […]

Embrace your flawsome-ness

I am not perfect. Say what?!?! I know.  True story. And I’m faaaaaar from perfect.   But I do have perfectionist tendencies. Which can be both a good and bad thing. I realize that it all has to do with the motivation and energy behind why I am trying to be “perfect.” Is it to […]

Hydrogen + two + Oxygen

Did you know that the average human body is made up of 50-75% water? The human brain is comprised of 75% water. So the benefits of drinking water are pretty awesome sauce. Like, it… Increases energy.  Flushes out toxins. Promotes weight loss. (YEY!) Improves skin complexion. Boosts the immune system. Is a natural headache remedy.  […]