As a stay at home mom with a toddler and a fluctuating nap schedule (don’t even get me started on this time change!), my alone time is quite sacred. I prefer to do most things in the morning if I can, but that’s not always possible. So I have to squeeze it in during his […]
Personal (yogini)
Be your own cheerleader: a new daily habit that has got me smiling
I have a toddler who is just now beginning to walk. There is constant cheering and clapping going on to encourage him. We clap and cheer for a lot of things. He absolutely loves it and thrives off of that positive energy and encouragement. And that smile in return? Heart melting. It got me to thinking … […]
Motivation is garbage
Wait. What? Have you ever heard yourself say/think: “I’ll do it when I feel like it. I’ll do it when I feel motivated. I’m not motivated to do it, so it probably means I shouldn’t do it. I don’t feel ready.” We’ve all been there on some level, right? I know I have. And where has that gotten us? Nowhere. Well, […]
Just eat the frog: creating less suffering
Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Bleh. Gross. And no thank you. But I get his point. The point being, do the thing you are most avoiding first. You know, the thing you want to do least […]
A recent life hack discovery: 5-4-3-2-1 … GO!
In my last post I mentioned a Mel Robbins podcast that I listened to that was very inspiring. I did a little research and found out that she wrote a book called “The 5 Second Rule“. I just started reading it and am only a few chapters in but love the premise. The idea is […]
Trying to make someone change? Stop.
I just had an “aha” moment this morning that was sparked by a podcast I was listening to (I’ll get to which one in a moment). My moment was this: People won’t change unless they want to. If they wanted to, they would. OK. So I know this is not particularly revolutionary but it just […]
Circuit breaker: flipping your own switch to shift your mood
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a particular mood? Maybe a mood you would rather not be in? It’s hard to get unstuck sometimes. Emotions take over and it can feel incredibly overwhelming. Or there is a part of you that just wants to stay in that place for a bit. I just want […]
One Day or Day One?
I follow Dwayne Johnson (aka “The Rock) on Instagram and am always inspired by his posts and reels and shares. He is so real and humble and open about what is going on in his world. I really admire him. It is no wonder he has 356 MILLION followers! In his recent New Years Day […]
How we react matters
My toddler is at that age where he imitates a lot. I mean, A LOT. It’s usually the last word you say in a phrase. Sometimes he will even pick up words I said months ago, not knowing he had stored them away. It’s absolutely mind-boggling to witness as he learns and takes in the […]
Ready, set … CHRISTMAS!
We are getting to that time of year. The time of year that flies by the fastest. First it’s Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. Then, what?!?!? 2023 already?!?! Have you noticed how retail brings Thanksgiving decor out with all the Halloween stuff and then it all disappears right after Halloween has passed? I went to […]