As we were unpacking wedding gifts a few months ago, surrounded by boxes and little storage space, I said to Michael “We need a bigger place.” He nodded his head in agreement. And thus the seed was planted. Of course, we always knew we were not going to stay in our 2 bedroom condo for […]
Fitness (iron)
TBT: Peak week, YOUR ten, that is enough…
I was recently inspired by a friend of mine who was competing in the Arnold Bodybuilding competition in Columbus, OH. She placed in the top 10! WOW! It reminded me of how crucial that final week before a competition is. The infamous “peak week.” Let me shed some light on the subject… A TBT “ironbikini” […]
Set point … embracing the “fluff”
We all have defaults. Or set points. What feels “normal” to us. So does our body. I’m realizing that my body has a set point body weight. A number that, if I work out consistently and eat relatively healthy yet still enjoy some wine and a few calorically dense meals, the number doesn’t change much. […]
My latest trick … and “duh” moment.
As I walked through the door this morning, my husband asked “How was your workout?” (actually, he technically asked me after I had had more coffee and breakfast in my tummy…LOL!) “Hard”, I said. Which it was. It gets long. And mind numbing. 10 sets of anything can get rather mind-numbing. I have to put […]
I’m with the band(s)
That’s right. I’ve been working with bands more. No, not that kind of band. I know in my last post I talked about music. No. This is something completely different. THESE bands. My latest BFF. I’ll be honest, I did not think highly of bands before. I didn’t know how to properly use them and […]
Gluteus maximus, medius, minimus, ouchimus…
As I mentioned in my last post, I am starting a new workout program for the next 12 weeks. Workin’ on my bootay. 😉 Ummm. OUCH. But so worth it. What I am LOVING is the online FB group. I have been in groups like this before and had forgotten how much I love the […]
The way I inspire myself? Try something new…
I’ve been a little bored in my workouts recently. Well, part of it is probably because I took a long break. You know, getting married and honeymooning and all (did you see yesterday’s post?) … The DOMS (when stuff hurts … otherwise known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) was pretty bad last week, too, but […]
Inner gym rat
As my fiance and I were having breakfast this morning, he jokingly (and lovingly), referred to me as a “gym rat”. Probably because I had just come back from the gym. I gave him a look (I’m sure it will turn into my wife “look” … LOL!) and replied, “I am NOT a gym rat.” […]
Eyes wide open
I’m feeling inspired. I went to go support one of my girlfriends at her bikini competition this past weekend. I did that 5 years ago, too. And got hooked. And started competing myself. So, she was my initial introduction and inspiration to the sport. And it’s interesting watching shows now, knowing, empathizing, with the competitors. […]
Abs are made where?
I’ve been watching a lot of superhero movies recently. Thor. Wonder Woman. Wolverine. Civil War. Superman. And when you look at a lot of these actors who portray super heros, they really LOOK the part. Why? Because they look strong. Physically capable. BIG. And in those shirtless scenes (for the guys, of course!) … RIPPED. […]