Birthday reflections

It’s that time of year again. Another trip around the sun.

My last year in this decade. (I am calm. Very calm)

It’s the eve before my birthday and I can’t help but be reflective and think back upon this year. 

Let’s see.

Just a few things that happened this year:

I started off the year by running the Army 10-miler with my husband.

We attended two weddings.

Hung out in Napa & Sonoma Valleys and drank wine.

We worked out with Billy Blanks.

I played in the pit of Mamma Mia! at my old high school, collaborating with former co-workers.

We went through a very loooooong kitchen renovation.

And other house projects.

I took on a book challenge and am reading LOTS (with a feline companion…LOL!).

We went to Boston and revisited our engagement spot. 

We celebrated my mom’s 70th birthday.

I bought a 100-year old baby grand Steinway piano (a dream come true!).

I got into obstacle course racing and completed my first Spartan Trifecta.

I started my Master’s degree in Music Education with a focus on Orff-Schulwerk. 

I completed Orff Level 2. 

We traveled to Washington State and Canada and took in some beautiful sights. 

I am practicing for another recital and challenging myself with new repertoire.

There are a lot of “things” and life events listed there.

I learned a lot in the process.

I learned to continue to take the time to BE with myself and replenish.

To challenge myself (Spartan races, academic stretching) yet find ways to relax and chill (like reading!).

To continue to grow and deal with what life gives me, in the best way I can.

I actually went through one of the hardest and more painful things I’ve had to go through in a long time this year. I won’t elaborate on it in this moment, but it was a tremendous lesson in letting go of the things you can’t control and feeling all the things you need to feel. Not rushing any part of the healing process. Not bypassing the tough moments. Feeling all the feels without judgement. 

That is a constant lesson I am learning and growing into. And just accepting. Because that’s life. 

So here’s to another FULL year of adventures and growth! Can’t wait to roll into the big 4-0 with style!

Do what makes you happy.