I follow Dwayne Johnson (aka “The Rock) on Instagram and am always inspired by his posts and reels and shares. He is so real and humble and open about what is going on in his world. I really admire him. It is no wonder he has 356 MILLION followers! In his recent New Years Day […]
Author: larosenberg
How we react matters
My toddler is at that age where he imitates a lot. I mean, A LOT. It’s usually the last word you say in a phrase. Sometimes he will even pick up words I said months ago, not knowing he had stored them away. It’s absolutely mind-boggling to witness as he learns and takes in the […]
Ready, set … CHRISTMAS!
We are getting to that time of year. The time of year that flies by the fastest. First it’s Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. Then, what?!?!? 2023 already?!?! Have you noticed how retail brings Thanksgiving decor out with all the Halloween stuff and then it all disappears right after Halloween has passed? I went to […]
A toddlerhood workout update
My baby boy is getting BIG. I can’t believe he is a toddler now! He is also getting quite heavy. My husband likes to joke that we should stop feeding him so he stays small. LOL. Yeah, that’s not how that works… 😉 I have heard so many people say “Gosh, he’s heavy. Wow! You […]
Reflections on a new acronym and what it means to be successful
I was listening to a podcast recently and came across the acronym GNH. Huh? GNP I know. GNI, yes. But GNH? (quick refresher: GNP = Gross National Product, GNI = Gross National Income … for those of us with mom brain!) GNH stands for Gross National Happiness. The government of Bhutan has been using this measure since […]
See-sawing between work and play: the ultimate balancing act
Should I do something productive or something relaxing? Should I get that thing that must get done DONE or chill with a good book? Ugh. The questions that torment me on a daily basis when I have pockets of free time to myself (i.e. my son’s nap times). Ultimately, the answer is: both. I want […]
When good is good enough; letting go of perfectionism
I have an admission to make. I used to have an issue with perfectionism. I am a recovering Perfectionist. I wanted everything to be a certain way and if it wasn’t, I managed to find a way to make myself (or others) feel bad about it. It was an awful feeling. Draining. Exhausting. Then one […]
Keep what makes you happy
As a new stay-at-home-mom, I am still trying to figure out how to find the sweet spot of doing what I need to do to take care of my son, and doing what I need to do to take care of me. I was tempted to use the word “balance” just now, but that’s not […]
Holding space
Have you ever had a friend or family member that is just going through a really rough time? Like, their current circumstances just suck. They tell you all about it and it just sounds awful. You feel their pain and want to help, but there is nothing you can do or say that will make it any […]
Those sticky thoughts
My son and I attended his first class the other day. It was a class with kids in his age group where they got to explore this soft padded room with all sorts of things to climb and crawl through. As I looked around, I noticed he was the only child that wasn’t walking. And […]