The weather is getting nicer and I’m excited to do more walks and hiking with my son. I had grand plans today to try out a hiking backpack so we can do more hiking as a family. But then we noticed orange cones going up in front of our sidewalk. And then suddenly a Bobcat […]
Author: larosenberg
Clear the lint out!
My husband and I have very specific roles in our household. From early on it was well established that he does all the cooking and I do all the laundry. And almost all the cleaning. But cooking and laundry — those are very clearly divided tasks. He likes to joke that he hasn’t done a […]
Better than nothing method
As a stay at home mom with a toddler and a fluctuating nap schedule (don’t even get me started on this time change!), my alone time is quite sacred. I prefer to do most things in the morning if I can, but that’s not always possible. So I have to squeeze it in during his […]
Be your own cheerleader: a new daily habit that has got me smiling
I have a toddler who is just now beginning to walk. There is constant cheering and clapping going on to encourage him. We clap and cheer for a lot of things. He absolutely loves it and thrives off of that positive energy and encouragement. And that smile in return? Heart melting. It got me to thinking … […]
Motivation is garbage
Wait. What? Have you ever heard yourself say/think: “I’ll do it when I feel like it. I’ll do it when I feel motivated. I’m not motivated to do it, so it probably means I shouldn’t do it. I don’t feel ready.” We’ve all been there on some level, right? I know I have. And where has that gotten us? Nowhere. Well, […]
Just eat the frog: creating less suffering
Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Bleh. Gross. And no thank you. But I get his point. The point being, do the thing you are most avoiding first. You know, the thing you want to do least […]
Mom life workout update: starting off 2023 right
Because this blog is called “IronYogini”, I feel like I want to have a post here and there about what I’m up to fitness-wise. In the past it was all about my training and race reports. Road races, triathlons, Spartan races, figure competitions, etc. There will be more of that, don’t worry. But for now, […]
A recent life hack discovery: 5-4-3-2-1 … GO!
In my last post I mentioned a Mel Robbins podcast that I listened to that was very inspiring. I did a little research and found out that she wrote a book called “The 5 Second Rule“. I just started reading it and am only a few chapters in but love the premise. The idea is […]
Trying to make someone change? Stop.
I just had an “aha” moment this morning that was sparked by a podcast I was listening to (I’ll get to which one in a moment). My moment was this: People won’t change unless they want to. If they wanted to, they would. OK. So I know this is not particularly revolutionary but it just […]
Circuit breaker: flipping your own switch to shift your mood
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a particular mood? Maybe a mood you would rather not be in? It’s hard to get unstuck sometimes. Emotions take over and it can feel incredibly overwhelming. Or there is a part of you that just wants to stay in that place for a bit. I just want […]