A day in the life of a music teacher

Last Friday I thought it would be fun to document a typical day and created a video blog. I hear you call that a “vlog”? It’s my first time doing anything like this so I’m still working out the kinks. But it was super fun to make. Definitely check it out!

My first Vlog!

Here’s a basic run down of my day:

Alarm goes off. Both the cat alarm and my phone. Yes, Roman has me trained. I know he is in control here. LOL! I feed my furry feline and then take time to meditate with the Calm app (I love their daily 10 minute meditations!), read a few inspirational daily meditations, and journal. Though today was different as I chose to linger in bed a bit longer with my husband (who was fast asleep). I almost convinced myself to NOT go to the gym. Oh, it was so tempting. Incredibly so. I had a line of excuses. (it’s too late it will only be a short workout, not worth it; it’s raining; I’m tired; it’s warmer in bed, etc.) But I did it anyway. It’s those small victories. Yey, me!

At the gym (OneLife Fitness in Burke). I did a quick interval run on the treadmill. The cool, curvy self-propelling ones. Only 1.5 miles. But I got it done.

Back at home. Shower. Coffee (brought to me by my amazing husband!). Breakfast consisting of eggs in a tortilla wrap AND a special Friday treat: leftover homemade cinnamon rolls! YUM. Roman is usually around and gets a little lovin’. I decided to wear my Baby Yoda hoodie today which I know the kids will FREAK OUT about. It’s Friday.

Out the door and on the road to school. Raining. Ewww. I take 395-N towards DC which is always FUN, but it’s usually not too bad on Fridays. I listen to a few podcasts including NPR’s Up First and Motivation to Move’s Daily Boost. And sometimes a little Spartan Up!

A few podcasts I listen to

At school. I normally get to school between 8:30 and 8:45 but today is a choir day. My coworker is the head honcho on this one, but I help pick kids up and am around if she needs anything.

Yey, School!

Choir starts, I get a bit of planning. And listen to beautiful music-making.

Classes start. It’s a full day. There are 10 slots for classes and I teach 8 of them on Fridays. There are 5 minutes between classes but I often don’t get those if I’m running behind on a lesson or a teacher is late to pick up. It’s definitely a whirlwind! This post won’t have too many details about my actual school day. Maybe a “Day in the life of … Part 2” will have to happen. But definitely check out the video for more of a taste of my life at school.

My Friday schedule

I survived and am officially off duty. Back home I go!

Normally I would be able to relax at this point. BUT, I am a bit of an overachiever and am taking TWO grad school classes at George Mason University as I work towards my Master’s in Music Education. I have an assignment due Friday which I need to finish up.

Husband comes home and feeds me. I am one lucky girl!

We open a bottle of wine and have dinner in our awesome home theater (9 speaker surround sound!). Roman joins us, too. Finishing up Jack Ryan Season 2. Woohoo!

Chillin’ with wine, dinner, and a little Jack Ryan.

Play with Roman and go to bed. I definitely turn into a pumpkin by midnight (or in this case 10pm!) so my husband stays up a bit longer. Cleans up after dinner. Plays with the cat. And before you start saying “But he cooked dinner! You should clean!” Yes, that is how some households work. But the kitchen is truly his domain. I clean everywhere else BUT the kitchen. And with have a 5 bed/4 bath house WITH a furry feline. No small feat! LOL.

Evening chill mode.

So, there ya go! That is a typical day for me. Hope you enjoyed it! Future posts of this variety to come, I’m sure.

Do what makes you happy.