Being a kid

I love Halloween.

I’m not sure what it is about it.

The excitement in the air. The kids and their costumes. The adults and their creative costumes.

We had “Storybook Character Day” at school today.

And then we had a little parade to participate in a school-wide walk. It was soooo much fun! The kids were excited, the teachers were excited, everyone was excited.

I feel like Halloween often gives us “serious” adults an excuse to be kids again. To dress up. To be silly. To use our imaginations. That’s what I like about Halloween. Not the candy and the crazy Halloween adult parties. It’s the child-like nature of it.

And being an elementary school music teacher has definitely created more “play” in my life. Playing games, dancing, having fun. Being more like a kid.

Like my world has totally opened up to all these kids songs I didn’t know existed. 

Because I don’t have kids (yet…), so how would I know about such things?

Like “Pop See Ko” by Koo Koo Kangaroo.

It’s so silly and goofy … but the kids LOVE IT.


You put this video on in any lower grades (K-2) and they just EAT. IT. UP.


So our Music Team dressed up as “Koo Koo Kangaroo”. With a little extra twist. Because there is no kangaroo in the video. LOL.

Or fun dances like this Halloween Freeze Game:

Or Sesame Street songs:

Or Pete the Cat:

Or The Wiggles:

Don’t get me started on “Just Dance”…

What makes you tap into being a kid again? 

Is it singing silly songs? Dressing up in a silly way? Dancing around the room to silly songs?

Another thing I’ve started to do is wear silly socks. Because kids sit on the carpet and can see my socks if I’m sitting in a chair or criss-cross on the floor with them. 

It makes me happy.

And feel like a kid.

What do you do?

Today’s leg workout:

Be a kid.

Do what makes you happy.