Iron yogini 2.0

For those of you that have been followers of my blog for a few years, you will remember that it didn’t start out as “Happy Fit ‘n Free”. I actually started writing back in 2012 as “iron yogini” and created a blog at This was soon after I had completed an Ironman and was still very much in the triathlon world and began diving into the world of yoga, seeking to balance things out a bit.

So the “iron” referenced Ironman and the “yogini” yoga.

Lake Placid Ironman 2009

I wrote as “iron yogini” for a good 2 years before switching over to “iron bikini” (notice a theme here?) when I got into bodybuilding and started competing in figure competitions. This time the “iron” stood for pumping iron at the gym. Ha ha. Get it? So I had yet another blog at documenting my transformation journey.

Keeping up with two blogs was a lot and they both eventually faded away and I started a new one, yet again, which manifested itself as “Happy Fit ‘n Free”. This little catch phrase really encompassed how I was trying to live my life and still do to this day.

However, as I was thinking about 2020, I knew I wanted to do more with the blog. I had been using the Blogger interface which was great but definitely has its limitations. So I made the jump to WordPress which has been HUGE, with lots of learning and frustrations along the way!

It’s a bit of a story as to why I let go of the “Happy Fit ‘n Free” domain name but I will just leave it at being a tremendous amount of wrong turns on the technology side which ultimately led to a lot of mistakes I didn’t know how to fix.

Sooooooo, I started over. And here we are! Back to my origins as “Iron yogini”! It feels rather fitting actually. Back to my roots. New and improved. 2.0.

All the blog posts are from “Happy Fit ‘n Free”. Just rebranded.

This is still very much a work in progress in terms of what I envision this blog being. But I was getting tired of the “Coming Soon” page and am making the leap to just put it out there. Unfinished in its imperfections.

So keep coming back. There will be lots of new content to look forward to, including guest posts from my husband as “Chef Michael”. Just a little teaser for ya there … 😉

So here we go. About to hit “Publish” on Iron yogini 2.0.

Doing what makes me happy.