The land of “last time”s…

We’re a week out from our wedding.

Quite literally.
We have a 5pm ceremony, so a week from now, I will be officially married.

It’s crazy to think about.

It’s like something you’ve been preparing for for a very long time yet doesn’t seem quite real…

Or dreaming about since the thought of “being married” was on the radar.

It’s an interesting sensation, that’s for sure.

Because now IT’S HERE.

Beginning tomorrow I will be entering the land of “last time”s.

Like, this is my last Monday teaching my Monday night private piano students as “Ms.” Larissa.

Or my last Tuesday “Date Night” unmarried.

Or my last Wednesday at my women’s group as a single lady.

Or my last Thursday running errands for my wedding (because they will ALL be done by this point!).

Or my last day at school as “Ms. Smith.”

Or my last morning waking up in the arms of my “fiance” (as opposed to my husband).

Or my last Sunday morning run unmarried…




But I intend to embrace it all and be present with whatever emotions arise.

Oh, I did workout this morning! I haven’t since Wednesday! Gotta get my 4 days in.

I experimented with eating breakfast before working out…


I nearly puked.

But that’s OK.

I didn’t.

And I reemphasized how I cannot eat large meals before workouts.

Lesson learned.

Today’s hamstring workout.

Do what makes you happy.