What now?

Well, that’s a wrap.

2017 is in the bag.

Wedding planning is over.

Back to normalcy.

But what is “normal” anyway?

We have been planning this wedding since March.

Almost every free waking moment has revolved around the wedding. Whether it be the actual “physical” planning of it or just the incredible amount of mental (and emotional!) energy it takes up. 

Anyone who has planned a wedding gets it.

My brain was literally wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding…


And now?


Well, some things. Like all the little follow-up stuff (“where are we going to put all these gifts?”, thank you notes, name change shenanigans, etc.) … but compared to the actual planning part?

This is a breeze!

So. Back to “normal”.

Not quite sure what that is yet (because it was literally wedding –> honeymoon –> Christmas –> a few days …LOL!), but I am looking forward to getting back into things that I put on the back burner for a bit.

Like playing the piano.

Reading books for pleasure.

Catching up on Netflix shows.
(we are in the midst of watching Marvel’s “The Punisher” … soooo good!)



But you know what?

It was so worth it.

We look back on the photos (we just go the professional ones the other day — EEEEEEEK!!!) and are just overcome with joy with all the beautiful memories from that day. It was truly an incredible day. I couldn’t have dreamt of it going any better then it did.

And now we’re husband and wife.

I’ve been digging it.

It’s a pretty awesome feeling.

I LOVE using the word “husband” whenever I can. 😃

So, on the eve of going back to school after 3 weeks off, I remind myself to breathe and go slowly.

Be gentle with myself.

I’ll get my groove back. 

And will find that normalcy and balance that I seek.

As for this blog? We’ll see. I started writing to keep myself accountable with my workouts as I prepped for the wedding.

I have really enjoyed writing. Mainly because I love inspiring others in any way that I can. It’s kind of like teaching in that way. If I can make a difference in just one student’s life, then it makes it all worth it. If reading whatever I write inspires any of you awesome readers in any way, that makes it all worth it for me. 

So I’ll find my voice with this blog as it continues to evolve.

Speaking of which…

No workouts to post today. Though I did do a leg workout 4 days ago and am still feeling the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) from it! Ugh. I know better. Fail. LOL.

Let’s rock this 2018.

Thanks for reading, as always! 

Do what makes you happy.