Eff Perfect

I’m a perfectionist at heart.

And I’ve been challenged to let go of my perfectionism in many ways over the years. Certainly in my more recent “adult-ing” years.

I feel like I’ve been doing a fairly decent job with it, too.

Though I’m not always “perfect” at letting go of my perfectionism. LOL.

A few weeks ago, my hubby and I went out to dinner on a spontaneous middle-of-the-week date night at Roses Luxury in D.C. This is one of our go-to places. It was a long day and I definitely needed the good food, drink and, of course, company. As I was washing my hands in the bathroom, I had to chuckle as I looked at the art hanging on the wall.


It was a great reminder and exactly what I needed in that moment.

Because, you know what?

We do the best that we can do in the moment.

Honestly, sometimes I don’t feel like always doing my best.

I want to be mediocre in the moment.

And that’s OK.

But I guess that is still doing my “best” considering I don’t want to do my best?

I don’t know. 

Hmmmm … an interesting thought nontheless.


I try to cleanse once a week. I did that yesterday. I was having a rough day and just couldn’t do it. So I broke the cleanse at about 7pm (I was sooooo close!).

It wasn’t perfect.

This morning…

Lordy be, this morning. I’m starting a new 3-week rotation of workouts. 

And the first thing on Day 2?



You read that right. 

One hundred and twenty-one.

They are deceptively difficult.

They were not perfect.

Because “eff” perfect.

Another example.

We are in the process of selling our condo. We have movers coming Saturday, painters coming Monday and Tuesday, taking photos Wednesday, and plan to go “live” next weekend.

We have a couple interested in our building and our realtor asked if she could show our place today before we officially go on the market.

Sure, no problem. What do we have to lose?

We scrambled to get it ready.

Was it “perfect”? 


Boxes everywhere. Still feeling cluttered. Not “show” ready.

But it was as good as it was going to be. 

And finally, another daily reminder of letting go of my perfectionist ways…


Prepping for this recital amidst everything else I have going on.

Will it be perfect?


But I am damn well going to do my best.

As the Roses sign says… F**k perfect. 

The last two days’ workouts, in their imperfection…

Do what makes you happy.