Introvert fail…

My husband and I are similar in many ways, but also quite different. Not exactly an “opposites attract” thing, but more of an “opposites compliment each other” thing.

One of the biggest differences is that I am an introvert and he is an extrovert. 

To some, who meet me for only a brief period of time, I may seem like an extrovert. But that is mainly because I need to lead an extroverted life due to my job. I feel like I am an introvert leading an extroverted lifestyle.

But I am definitely an introvert.

I like keeping to myself.

I replenish by having alone time. Being by myself. Not talking. Not interacting. 

Preach, Audrey. 



Silence is golden.

My job can be very overstimulating at times.

I am surrounded by sound and music ALL day.

As an elementary general music teacher, my day is filled with singing voices, musical instruments, underlying chatter, etc. Let’s not forget the screaming children (our music trailers are directly next to the playground).

Even if I have a planning period, our walls are so thin that I can hear exactly what is going on in the music classrooms next door. 

I am NEVER in silence while at school.

That’s why when I get into my car after a full day, I sit in silence. 

I don’t turn any music on. No podcasts. No Pandora. No Spotify.



Again, silence is golden for an introvert like me.

Our Spring Break was very busy with house hunting. 

Oh, and did I mention I am still prepping for a recital?



Yeah. So, practicing my solo stuff and rehearsing with my soprano friend.

I was still teaching.

And being social.

It was busy. 

In all honesty, I did not get the time to replenish like I needed.

Let me rephrase that.

I did not make the time to replenish.

So I am coming off Spring Break tired, and, quite frankly, in need of a break, ironically enough.

I did not do a good job in the self-care department.

I did not meet my introvert needs.


And I have to be very careful because I am feel like I am walking a thin line right now.

But the end is near.

In a lot of ways which I will disclose later on… 😃

Being an introvert can be hard.

Especially when life gets crazy chaotic.

Luckily I have a very supportive husband. He knows when I’ve hit my threshold, even before I do sometimes.

So, introverts, go be you. Replenish. Be alone. Be quiet. Don’t talk to anyone. Because they’re ain’t nothing wrong with that.

I didn’t really work out this week. Too busy extroverting. 


Do what makes you happy.