My topsy-turvy world

It has been nearly a month since I last wrote a blog post.

Which is very unlike me. Well, when I am not out of the country. LOL!

Since we moved 3 weeks ago, I have been trying to find some resemblance of a routine.

Because I like routine.

I feel comfortable with routine.

I operate best with a solid routine under my feet.

But nearly every single thing is new, so nothing feels quite comfortable yet. 

My morning routine has changed.

My gym has changed.

My commute to work has changed. (let’s not talk traffic…)

My commute to lessons has changed.

My nightly routine has changed.

Where I run errands has changed.

The Target I go to has changed. (LOL!)

I feel like my life has been turned completely upside down.

And I guess it has. 

But in a good way. 

Yet is leaves me feeling very much out of sorts at times. 

We went from a 1200 square foot 2-bedroom condo to a nearly 3000 square foot HOUSE. 

Totally different.

Yey, more space!

But it’s a HUGE change.

House projects are STARING us in the face.

People keep asking me how I feel. Does it feel like home? Are we settled in yet? And, jokingly, “Have you finished unpacking yet?” (because they know my type-A tendencies…)

My husband and I were just talking about this earlier. Whether we feel at “home” in our new home. 

In a way, yes. 

And, in a lot of ways (for me, at least), no. 

We still have many boxes to unpack. 

I don’t really know where things are. 

We have not yet hung any artwork or photographs on the walls. It seems like a small thing, but I feel once that happens, it will start to feel more like “home.”

Our Ketubah is currently propped up on the fireplace mantel. So, there’s that.

(my view as a lay sick on the couch last week)
And we have a lot of exciting plans for the house which I know will add to it feeling like “home”.

But for now, just getting into some flow of routine will begin to make me feel more settled.

I did workout a bit last week (I was sick all of this week…boo) and am getting used to my new gym space. Miss my peeps but definitely digging this gym.

A few new workouts:

Here’s to navigating our world when it gets a little topsy-turvy. And finding peace in our routines that make it less so.

Do what makes you happy.