The value of routine…

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Nearly 3 months. 

That’s mainly because we were galavanting all over Australia and New Zealand. Eating all the food. Drinking all the wine. Walking all the miles. LOL.

I tallied that we walked nearly 300 miles over the span of 6 weeks. It was incredible. A trip we both will never forget. And a part of the world we are already itching to get back to.

6 weeks is a long time to vacation, as amazing as it is to escape for that long. We both feel blessed that we have the time to travel for most of the summer. #teacherlifeperks

New Zealand:
In all honesty, I was ready to come back. I was ready to get back into my routine. Back to my “real” life.

It was a TON of fun, but it always feels like an alternate reality. A reality that can’t be sustained and that must eventually come to an end.

This trip was one I feel impacted me on a very deep level. More than I know. Being in nature. Walking everywhere. Talking to people from differently countries and cultures. Experiencing some of the most stunning places in the world.

It’s no Northern Virginia. But NOVA is home. And I can bring that feeling of beauty with me. The “feeling” of whatever it is that made me feel the awe and connectedness I felt.

For example, I am really enjoy mowing our 0.5 acre lawn. I’ve never done it before. It was always something my dad did. I’m sure this “enjoyment” won’t last forever, but there is something quite meditative about it for me. And something about taking care of my home and working with the Earth that makes me feel very connected to it.

I enjoy that bi-monthly routine.

I enjoy the routine of working out (anyone who has followed this blog knows that! LOL!). Yes, I walked a gazillion miles, but I miss lifting. My body missed it. But it needed the break. And getting back into that routine is a great practice in ignoring the numbers on the weights and plates. Meeting myself where I am NOW. I’m not lifting as heavy as I was 3 months ago, and that’s OK.

Oh, and the 7 lbs I gained on this trip? I dropped 4 of them just by swapping water for wine. We were literally drinking an equivalent to a bottle of wine, EACH, a day (did I mention we drank ALL the wine? LOL!). 

We still have our Tuesday night date night and drinks on the weekend, but it’s amazing how getting back into a normal eating and hydrating routine can change things. 

Date night:

Water for wine weight change:
(no need to see my un-manicured toes…LOL!)
And then there’s school. Oy. That was tough. Waking up early. Having to function and be professional. (we landed Tuesday night and went to “work” Friday!) 

I love my job. I work with a GREAT community of people. And there are parts of my day that are just silly and fun and quite ridiculous. Being a music teacher rocks. 

But it also has its challenges and headaches. Just like any other job.

I also got back into my private piano lesson routine. I’m downsizing a bit and that feels AMAZING. Still keeping my puppy lovin’…

And then there’s the quiet time. My daily meditation routine. MUCH needed. I don’t think I could survive without it. Being an introvert leading an extroverted life is tough. I was very happy to get back into my quiet, early mornings. Sitting, reading, journaling, breathing.

So, here’s to routine. Any elementary school teacher knows how incredibly important they are for students. 

No just students. Adults, too. What routines help you thrive? Revisit them if you’ve lost touch.

Do what makes you happy.