One Day or Day One?

Inspirational quote

I follow Dwayne Johnson (aka “The Rock) on Instagram and am always inspired by his posts and reels and shares. He is so real and humble and open about what is going on in his world. I really admire him. It is no wonder he has 356 MILLION followers!

In his recent New Years Day post he offered the quote “One Day or Day One?”. I hadn’t heard that before and can see why it is inspiring. Simple and straight forward. Are you going to do that thing you have been talking about and dreaming of One Day or is today Day One?

He went on to say how many Day Ones he has. How many things he is starting and going after with focused determination. Obsession.

He also admitted (with a laugh) that he has some “vices” that are on the sidelines and are “One Days”. I appreciated that. I appreciated his acknowledgement that it is OK to intentionally have some One Days. Because we can’t do it all.

Not all of us have the drive and focus that The Rock does, but I feel there is something to be said for this little nugget of wisdom. What is that thing you have been wanting to do, the goal you have been wanting to accomplish? It doesn’t have to be anything big either. Maybe you want to get outside more, read one book a month, take up a new hobby, spend less time watching TV, go through your closet and get rid of things, reconnect with friends, start that degree program, start a new business venture, take more baths.

I’ve got a few Day Ones. Mind if I share a little? If nothing else for accountability.

Some of my Day Ones include:

  • Continue to stay grounded in my daily morning routine of yoga, meditation and journaling
  • Tap dance at least 15 minutes a day
  • Write and post a blog post once a week
  • Go outside or get in the car and go somewhere with my toddler every day
  • Strength train 4-5 times a week
  • Read one book a week
  • Connect with friends daily
  • Limit my phone use around my son in order to be fully present with him
  • Start a YouTube channel (this might be a One Day … LOL)

We will all stumble. We will all slip up. That’s the beauty of Day One. We might not have gotten it yesterday but we can start again today. Even if that means we have a string of Day Ones.

What is your Day One?

“One day or day one. You decide.”

~Paulo Coelho

Do what makes you happy.