Protect your peace

Our world is a little crazy right now.

Our lives are a little crazy right now.

For some, that is probably a huge understatement.

We are all still in a big “unknown” as we continue to navigate this pandemic and all the other things happening in our world.

It’s very easy to get thrown off course by things outside of our control. 

I have found that sticking to a morning routine has helped me stay on course. For the most part. LOL. Each morning I try to start my day with yoga and a mindfulness practice. Not every day, but most days. It helps me feel grounded and connected. Connected to ME. 

When I encounter rough patches throughout my day, it serves as an anchor. Things can still shake me a bit (or a lot!), but I feel tethered down.


I still have moments where I get really triggered by things outside of my control. Those who know what I do for work might think it’s my students. Nope. That feels waaaaaay easier then what triggers me these days.

It’s the pressure teachers are under to do do do. To go back to work in-person when it is still not safe. It’s the political environment we are in. It’s what is happening in our environment right now. It is the unknown of what is next and what our future looks like.

I have to stop checking the news and social media sometimes. As much as I want to stay up-to-date, it stresses me out. Even the Vice Presidential debate last night stressed me out a bit (though not even close to the Presidential Debate from last week … what a disaster!)

I have to make safeguarding my inner peace a priority.

And as we get closer and closer to election day, I feel I will have to be incredibly disciplined in that practice. Like a snarling guard dog. 

Protect your inner peace. You weren’t created to live worried, upset and on edge. 

Find what routines and practices work best for you.

Maybe that includes yoga and meditation. Being outdoors. Hiking. Puzzling. Relaxing with a good book. Taking a bubble bath. Watching a guilty pleasure on Netflix. Getting lost in a hobby. Wine. Whatever it is, make that a part of your routine.

And always, remember to do what makes you happy.