Just keep your foot on the gas

I’m an introvert.

I don’t like crowds.

The only time I force myself to be in large crowds are at the beginning of races when I’m with the other gazillion people in my wave.

But I try to avoid them as much as possible.

Just being crammed on an elevator or the metro gives me the heebie jeebies. 

The last time I was in a large crowd in DC was for Obama’s first inauguration. And even then, I found my little spot by a jumbotron and had some space. Away from crowds of people.

Did I mention I don’t like crowds?

I find myself feeling a little bit guilty for not joining in these peaceful protests. Because I truly do believe in the cause. But I don’t like crowds. And I am extremely wary of the fact that we are still dealing with COVID-19. That did not go away.

But I respect other people’s decision to go out and have their voices heard. And if you’re an introvert who hates crowds and has concerns about the virus and are still going out there … GO YOU. You do you.

I’m just not there yet. 

A dear friend shared this with me the other day. I’m sure you’ve seen it circulating online.

It really resonated.

I am the one who is educating themselves. Being open to conversations. Listening.

I mentioned in a recent blog post that I have kind of fallen off the working out bandwagon (Who, me? I know! Crazytown.). BUT, I am still moving. In the form of walking. Because I no longer have a commute (I used to spend an hour, minimum, in the car each day), I have missed that time where I would spend listening to motivational and educational podcasts.

So now I do that on my walks. And continue to educate myself. I listen to audio books (I am currently listening to “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo), podcasts, TED talks, you name it.

Keeping my foot on the gas in my own way.

We are all different. Do what you can.

Find your own way to keep your foot on the gas.

And remember to do what makes you happy.